Bilogora donut

Bilogora donut

› 60 dag of flour
› 2 eggs
› 1 cube of yeast
› 2 dcl of milk
› 8 dag of sugar
› salt
› 1 dcl of oil
› 1 egg for brushing

Of flour, eggs, milk, sugar, salt, oil and raise yeast knead dough. Leave in a warm place to rise, shuffle. Let it rise again. Shake out on the floured board and make donut shape. Again let it rise, brush beaten egg, sprinkle with salt and bake. Bilogora donut made, donated and eated with heart, it’s especially festive cake. It was baked for special occasions. Skilled hands, old- fashioned recipe, chosen flour, milk and oil- melted fat, little bit of sugar, egg and pinch of salt- make miracles. It’s hard to imagine to go or be on feast days, to be godmother on christenings, welcome guests or go to guests relatives, parents of the bride, and not celebrate Christmas or Easter without this marvelous product. We doesn’t cut it with a knife, but we break it, and before the eating, we put on it a sign of the cross. Shaping the donut is a very important issue. We make it, and mix it with the finest flour, grinded before Christmas , for St. Tomas. Add all ingredients, formed after rising into triple or quadruple braid, which can be single or double. After knitting it takes the form of a circle, heart, lyra or Greek letter omega. At Easter we insert raw eggs in it which becomes baked in donut.