Potato crocquettes as addition to Čazma steak

Potato crocquettes as addition to Čazma steak

› 80 dag of potatoes (cooked)
› 1 egg
› 1 egg yolk
› 2 dag of butter
› 2 dag of parmesan cheese
› 10 dag of flour
› salt
› pepper
› nutmeg

For the breading:
› 15 dag of breadcrumbs
› 15 dag of sharp flour
› 2 eggs

Boiled potatoes drain and spat. Add the butter, egg, egg yolk, flour, parmesan cheese , nutmeg and salt. Mix the dough evenly, and then put it in a cool place to cool down and tighten. (It’s advisable to make the mixture the day before). From potato dough form a long cylinder (2 cm thick) and cut into pieces (length of 5 cm). Cuted pieces roll in flour, dip in stir egg, roll in breadcrumbs and fry in deep hot fat. Flushed fried crisp pieces remove from fat and place on paper towels to drain the fat.