Corn palenta with potatoes and cream

› 1l of water
› 20 dag of potatoes
› 70 dag of corn flour
› 5 dag of butter or oil
› salt
› 10 dag of butter
› 3 dl of cream
› 5 dag of smoked bacon
› salt
Clean the potatoes, cut into cubes and cook in boiling, salted water. When the potatoes cooked, add the butter, corn flour, cover and cook over low heat for 10 minutes without stirring. Then stir in the heat until the mixture is smooth. Cut with spoon.
Fry in butter finely chopped bacon, add the cream and salt, briefly boil and pour over palenta.
If desired, polenta can be served with milk, fried bacon , fried onions, stewed sauerkraut or with a dish in sauce as a side dish.