Czech Union in the Republic of Croatia
Trg kralja Tomislava 7, 43500 Daruvar, Croatia
President: Libuše Stranjik
Phone: ++385 43 331 233
Czech Union in the Republic of Croatia is non-political organization voluntarily united Czech besedas, schools, clubs, individuals - members of the Czech minority in the fields of culture, education, art, science and sport.
Harvest Festival "Dožinky" are the biggest manifestation of Croatian Czechs. It is a celebration of the completion of the harvest, which reapers express the joy of saving crops. The most attractive is the Sunday parade with grain richly adorned allegorical floats, followed by a variety of groups in traditional costumes. The program ends with a spectacular dance together all the participants.
It is important to note the theater, brass and singing festival of Czech children's songs, folk festival "Vonička" and a review of children's creativity "Our Jaro".
(Source: TB Daruvar-Papuk)