Grandma’s noodles

Grandma’s noodles

› 40 dag of flour
› 4 eggs
› salt
› water

› 5 dag of butter
› 5 dag of onions
› 20 dag of gouda cheese
› 10 dag of smoked ham
› 1/2 l of milk
› 2 eggs
› 10 dag of parmesan cheese
› Salt
› pepper
› nutmeg
› Vegeta
› chopped parsley

Of flour, eggs, salt and little bit of water knead dough for homemade noodles. Cook the noodles in salted water, drain them and was . Fry finely chopped onion in butter, add ham chopped in dices, diced cheese and immediately stir in cooked noodles. Stir all ingredients, spice as you wish and pour them into a buttered ovenproof dish and sprinkled with bread crumbs. Place in the oven till it gets little bit of browned. Pour with a mixture of milk, eggs, salt, nutmeg and half of the parmesan cheese. Sprinkle with remaining parmesan cheese and bake until the end.